2010年1月27日 星期三

Although RE is a common tool..


grep cannot handle extend regrlar expression,

I think , alias grep as egrep is a good idea

As readding the article,   I now understand why vim is so inconvinence that using \( \) as group.

Throwing an exception cause process terminate in c++

If the function signature specify A exception, and the function implementation throws B exception, The process will fail event it explicitly catch exception B. However, if the function signature didn't specify anything about exceptiot, the exception throw by the function won't make the entire process crash.

There is a format for Change Logs

My colledge ask me to fill out the change log, Due to vim help my highlight the file. I found a change log has format too !!


However, the previous change log written by others didn't follow the format. So, I can't follow this article!!